How the New Year corporate celebration took place at!

How the New Year corporate celebration took place at!


On December 20th, the team held a pre-corporate celebration at the office!

We had Santa Claus and his Snow Maiden visit us, and they organized fun activities for us and, of course, handed out gifts. Each employee received a branded backpack, and for those with children, sweet gifts and certificates were prepared. As per tradition, we had a "Secret Santa" in the office, where colleagues delighted each other with interesting and very cute presents that didn't even fit under the beautiful Christmas tree. 

Then, on December 21st, we had a big corporate event with a banquet. The dress code was cocktail, and everyone sparkled as if on the red carpet. Colleagues enjoyed a banquet in a beautiful hall, an awards ceremony, and a quiz. As always, we sang, danced, and had a great time in our friendly team.  

Happy holidays!

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